Vamos Colombia Tour Blog

Vamos Colombia Tour Blog
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bill Gates gives US$1 million to Medellin public libraries

Colombia Reports now reports:

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded the Medellin public libraries with US$1 million for providing computers and internet access to citizens in 34 libraries throughout the city.

The EPM Foundations Network of Public Libraries (NPL) is located throughout Medellin in some of the city's most marginalized communities. The libraries have become cultural centers "for accessing knowledge, learning and also as areas of community action and pride," Clara Patricia Restrepo, executive director of the EPM Foundation, said.

The majority of NPL's guests are from low-income communities who do not have a computer at home, like Hugo Patiño. The 50-year-old cook, who came to Medellin in 2007 after violence displaced him from his home in northern Colombia, had never used a computer before. But through courses at the public library, he learned how to create cost estimates, keep books and to promote a business online. Now Patiño is inspired to open his own restaurant.

The NPL has more than 500,000 visitors per months. "Their work is a stunning example of how a country can use the power of public libraries and technology to transform people's lives," Deborah Jacobs, director of the Global Libraries initiative for the foundation, said.

The EPM Foundation will use the money to expand their services on its web portal and to develop information and communication technology training programs.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Colombia Tourism on the rise, according to Dinero Magazine (Spanish), as Reported in Colombia Passport website (English)

The article from Passport Colombia website (which is mostly an English translation of the original article in Spanish from Dinero magazine) says:

More tourism for Colombia

Tourism to Colombia grew 10 percent during the first semester of the year, while in the world it fall 8 percent, according to Cotelco, the Colombian Association of Hotels. The statement was done by Jaime Alberto Cabal, president of the hotels’ association and published by Dinero Magazine. More than 60 thousand foreign visitors have entered the Colombian territory during the first six months of 2009, much more than last year at the same period.

According with Cabal, the Administrative Department of Security of Colombia (DAS), the entity that coordinates the entries of foreign visitors, reported the increase in the number of foreign visitors to the country.

The 36 percent of foreign tourists came from United States and Venezuela, according to DAS. Foreigners enter Colombia by airports, sea ports and roads.

In contrast, the global financial crisis reduced the number of visitors around the world. It is sure that the position of Colombia – four hours by plane from Miami and ports in the Caribbean and Pacific Ocean – made Colombia a cheaper destiny for American and Latin American travelers.

According with Jaime Alberto Cabal, Colombia has increased the construction of hotels and the international image of the country on the press is most better. He said that in 2009, the hotel sector will receive 700 million of dollars in investment, much more than what it got in 2007 (550 million dollars).

The construction of new sites for tourism like thematic parks, new centers and beautifying of the cities, played an important factor in the attraction of foreign visitors.

Alberto López Valderrama, president of Corferias, reported to Dinero that the hotel sector grew in Bogotá 14.8%, Antioquia 9,1%, Bolívar 8,5%, and Valle 8,3%, among other regions.

It was exposed also the problem of the pirate hotels (tax evaders) that evade annually about 300 thousand million of pesos.

The most visited Colombian regions during the first semester of 2009 were San Andrés Islands, 70,2%; Norte de Santander, 60,4%, the Coffee Axes, 45% and Bogotá, 59,9%.

Venezuelans were very attracted by Colombia during the last six months not only by the tourist plans, but also the possibility of business and investment in the country.

By other part, 183 tourist cruises visited the historical city of Cartagena de Indias like the Dawn Princesa with 2,100 passengers.

(photos by Vamos Colombia tour)

Colombia Ministry of Tourism Announces Photography Competition "Reveal Colombia"

The Spanish language announcement and a (more or less) English translation below.

The cite (in Spanish) is

Ministerio de Comercio Industria y Turismo
Concurso Nacional de Fotografía “Revela Colombia”

El 27 de septiembre de cada año, se conmemora en todo el planeta el Día Mundial del Turismo, cuyo objetivo principal es fomentar la sensibilización entre la comunidad internacional respecto a la importancia de turismo y su valor social, cultural, político y económico.

Colombia, como estado miembro de la Organización Mundial del Turismo, a través del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo ha decidido invitar a todos los colombianos y extranjeros que hayan tenido una experiencia turística en Colombia, a participar en el Concurso Nacional de Fotografía Turística “Revela Colombia”, con el fin de mostrar y compartir la diversidad de atractivos turísticos visitables y semblanzas culturales con los que cuenta Colombia. Ver flash

Objetivos del concurso

  • Dar a conocer la gran diversidad de atractivos turísticos visitables a lo largo de todo el territorio nacional.
  • Fomentar la actividad turística dentro del territorio nacional y elevar la competitividad en el sector.
  • Promover el desarrollo del turismo sostenible y responsable a lo largo del territorio nacional.

¿Quién puede participar?

Pueden participar todos los colombianos y extranjeros, residentes o no en el país, mayores de 18 años.

¿Cuántas fotografías puedo mandar?

Cada participante puede presentar hasta tres (3) fotografías, por cada tema:

  1. Paisajes urbanos, monumentos, arqueología y arquitectura.
  2. Gente, costumbres, gastronomía, artesanías, ferias y fiestas folclóricas.
  3. Paisajes naturales, flora y fauna.

¿Lugar y fecha de entrega de fotografías?

El material debe entregarse hasta el día 16 de septiembre de 2009 en un sobre sellado en cualquier punto de Servientrega desde donde se realizará el envío que no tiene ningún costo.

Para los participantes no residentes en Colombia que no puedan enviar sus fotografías en físico, se habilitó un correo electrónico y una línea de atención + 57 (1) 427 9000 donde se les explicará la mecánica del envío de las imágenes de forma digital.

Bases del concurso pdf

Punto 1. Solo participarán fotografías inéditas que hayan sido tomadas en Colombia entre los años 2006 y 2009, que presenten escenarios turísticos visitables del país, sus productos, atractivos naturales, culturales, religiosos o sociales (se entiende por atractivo turístico visitable un espacio geográfico, escenario o atractivo turístico natural, cultural o arquitectónico, así como festivales, ferias o fiestas que se localicen o realicen dentro del territorio nacional en donde se encuentren los atractivos y los servicios turísticos que posibilitan la permanencia del turista, que cuentan además con infraestructura que facilitan el acceso a dicho atractivo).

Punto 2. Cada participante puede presentar hasta tres (3) fotografías, una por cada tema:

  1. Paisajes urbanos, monumentos, arqueología y arquitectura.
  2. Gente, costumbres, gastronomía, artesanías, ferias y fiestas folclóricas.
  3. Paisajes naturales, flora y fauna.

Los participantes deben tener en cuenta que los atractivos fotografiados deben ser visitables (remitirse al punto 1 de este documento).

Punto 3. El participante deberá diligenciar completamente el documento de los Términos y Condiciones que se podrá descargar al final de esta página, en el cual especificará el lugar donde fueron tomadas las fotografías y/o el atractivo fotografiado, así como el año de realización de la fotografía.

Punto 4. Los participantes residentes en Colombia deberán enviar, a través de los puntos autorizados de Servientrega o por otro medio a la dirección Carrera 13A N° 87-33 de Bogotá, un sobre sellado que deberá contener un (1) CD marcado con el seudónimo elegido por el participante, con las imágenes en archivos digitales, numerados y organizados como se indica a continuación:

  • Una carpeta, llamada BAJA con las fotografías en baja resolución,
  • Una carpeta llamada ALTA con las fotografías en alta resolución,
  • Y el documento impreso de términos y condiciones debidamente diligenciado.

Las personas residentes fuera de Colombia interesadas en participar en el concurso deberán enviar sus datos al correo con el nombre completo, nacionalidad, documento de identidad, lugar de residencia (país, ciudad y dirección exacta de contacto) número de teléfono y correo electrónico para contactarlo. A vuelta de correo recibirán las instrucciones para poder enviar sus fotografías por medio de un canal digital dispuesto para este fin.

Punto 5. Los participantes deberán entregar las mismas fotografías en baja y alta resolución dentro de las siguientes especificaciones:

  • Baja resolución: Las fotografías deberán estar en la carpeta BAJA. Estas imágenes deberán tener un tamaño de 1.024 pixeles en su lado más largo y deberán estar a 150 dpi.
  • Alta resolución: Las fotografías deberán estar en la carpeta ALTA. Estas imágenes deberán tener un tamaño mínimo de 2.000 pixeles por su lado más largo y deberán estar a 300 dpi.

Punto 6. Los archivos en alta y baja resolución deberán estar nombrados de la misma forma bajo los siguientes parámetros:

  • 1_Seudonimo.jpg - Corresponde al tema 1. Paisajes urbanos, monumentos, arqueología y arquitectura.
  • 2_Seudonimo.jpg - Corresponde al tema 2. Gente, costumbres, gastronomía, artesanías, ferias y fiestas folclóricas.
  • 3_Seudonimo.jpg - Corresponde al tema 3. Paisajes naturales, flora y fauna.

Ejemplo: En caso de que un participante concurse únicamente dentro del tema 3. Paisajes naturales, flora y fauna, deberá nombrar su foto de la siguiente manera: 3_elturista.jpg en donde el número 3 corresponde a la categoría 3. Paisajes naturales, flora y fauna y “elturista” a su seudónimo.

Punto 7. Del material recibido, un comité compuesto por fotógrafos, periodistas, publicistas y funcionarios del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo seleccionará 99 fotografías finalistas (33 por cada categoría). Estas fotos serán publicadas en el Portal Oficial de Turismo a partir del día 29 de septiembre.

De las 99 fotografías finalistas se seleccionarán las 3 mejores fotos (1 por categoría), escogidas por el Jurado Oficial del concurso, las cuales serán clasificadas de la siguiente forma: primero, segundo y tercer lugar. Dichas fotos serán retribuidas por el Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo de la siguiente forma:

  • 1er. puesto: $10.000.000 de pesos.
  • 2o. puesto: $6.000.000 de pesos.
  • 3er. puesto: $3.000.000 de pesos.

La mejor fotografía y el nombre del autor de la misma serán publicadas en un periódico de alta circulación nacional el día domingo 27 de septiembre de 2009, Día Mundial del Turismo.

Términos y condiciones

Punto 1. En el concurso, no podrán participar funcionarios ni personas vinculadas bajo contrato de prestación de servicios al Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, así como empleados, administradores de la empresa contratada para la organización del concurso, parientes ligados con los anteriores dentro del primer y segundo grado de consanguinidad, segundo grado de afinidad o único primero civil. En caso de verificarse que uno de los ganadores se encuentra trabajando bajo estos vínculos, se entregará el premio respectivo al participante que ocupe el siguiente lugar.

Punto 2. Los participantes declaran y garantizan que todas las fotografías son de su autoría. Los participantes aceptan y garantizan que mantendrán indemne al Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, así como a la empresa contratada para la realización del concurso, respecto de cualquier reclamación por parte de terceros que aleguen tener algún derecho sobre el material presentado.

Punto 3. La participación es gratuita. Solo se recibirá el material en los puntos oficiales de recepción del concurso mencionados en este documento.

Punto 4. Durante el tiempo de realización del concurso, ninguno de los organizadores o jurados mantendrá comunicación directa con los participantes. Si los participantes necesitan asistencia técnica, podrán acceder y una línea de atención + 57 (1) 427 9000.

Punto 5. La mención y premiación de las fotos ganadoras se hará en la ciudad de Armenia, en el marco de la clausura de “Turismo Compite”. Los premios deberán ser reclamados por los ganadores con su documento original de identificación. De no poder reclamar personalmente el reconocimiento, lo podrás hacer bajo poder notarial a un tercero o bajo poder autenticado ante un notario, dentro de los 15 días hábiles siguientes a la fecha de divulgación de los ganadores.

Punto 6. De no realizarse todos los trámites necesarios para la entrega de los premios en el término señalado, se entregará el premio respectivo al participante que ocupe el siguiente lugar.

Punto 7. Si los ganadores del primer, segundo y tercer puesto de la convocatoria se encuentran fuera de la ciudad de premiación, los gastos de traslado a dicha ciudad o los trámites notariales que se generen, correrán por cuenta del beneficiado.

Punto 8. Las fotografías enviadas y los nombres de los concursantes pasarán a ser parte de un banco de imágenes y podrán ser usadas por el Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo con fines de promoción, divulgación y publicidad, sin límite territorial, con una duración indefinida y en cualquier medio sin previo aviso o ni compensación económica alguna.

En caso de hacer uso de las fotografías, el Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo o cualquier tercero, otorgará los respectivos créditos al autor de la fotografía (derechos morales). Con el sólo hecho de enviar las fotografías para participar en el concurso, los participantes aceptan estos términos y condiciones.

Punto 9. Los participantes declaran que son los titulares de los derechos morales de autor sobre las fotografías; en tanto que los patrimoniales pertenecerán al Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, bajo una licencia de uso sobre ellas, de acuerdo a lo señalado en las leyes 23 del 1982 y 44 de 1993 y lo conculcado el Código Penal en lo pertinente.

Teniendo en cuenta que los derechos patrimoniales de las fotos enviadas pertenecerán al Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, deberá entenderse que la retribución de que trata el punto 7 de las bases del concurso, es un incentivo a los derechos morales o de autor.

Especificaciones técnicas

Punto 1.
Cada participante podrá concursar con máximo tres (3) fotografías.

Punto 2. Sólo se admiten imágenes digitales. Las fotografías impresas, negativos o diapositivas escaneadas serán admitidos siempre que cumplan con los requisitos técnicos especificados en el punto 5 de las bases del concurso.

Punto 3. La base temática es un lugar turístico visitable, por lo tanto no se recibirán fotografías realizadas en estudio o composiciones que no muestren el contexto original de la imagen. Se aceptan cortes, manipulaciones básicas de color, contraste y nitidez. Podrán participar fotografías en color o blanco y negro. No se tendrán en cuenta las imágenes con manipulaciones no convencionales tales como: fotomontajes, textos insertados digitalmente, marcas de agua, marcos o bordes digitales, etc.

Punto 4. Las fotos recibidas se evaluarán bajo los siguientes criterios:

  • Calidad fotográfica.
  • Buena composición.
  • Manejo de la luz.
  • Escenarios turísticos.
  • Forma de trasmitir el producto o atractivo turístico.
  • La forma cómo trasmiten sensaciones.


Las fotografías que no cumplan con las bases y especificaciones mencionadas en este documento, no se tendrán en cuenta.

Por favor, lee detenidamente las bases del concurso y los términos y condiciones antes de enviar tu foto.

Si no estás de acuerdo con todas estas bases, términos y condiciones de uso, por favor, abstente de participar en este evento.

Selección de ganadores

Para definir a los ganadores, se conformará un comité que preseleccionará las 99 mejores fotografías del concurso.
El comité estará compuesto por fotógrafos profesionales, guías de turismo, editores web y profesionales del sector turístico.

De estas 99 fotografías, el Jurado seleccionará las tres mejores fotografías que obtendrán compensación económica de la siguiente manera:

  • 1er. puesto: $10’000.000 de pesos.
  • La foto ganadora será publicada el día 27 de septiembre de 2009, Día Mundial del Turismo, en la primera página de un diario de amplia circulación nacional.
  • 2o. puesto: $6’000.000 de pesos.
  • 3er. puesto: $3’000.000 de pesos.

Adicionalmente a los tres primeros premios, las 99 mejores fotografías serán expuestas dentro del marco del evento “Turismo Compite”.

El evento de premiación también se realizará dentro de la clausura de “Turismo Compite” en donde se hará entrega del premio a los tres ganadores.


  • Apertura del concurso: 3 de agosto de 2009.
  • Fecha límite para recepción de trabajos: 16 de septiembre de 2009.
  • Preselección: 17-20 de septiembre de 2009.
  • Selección: 21-23 de septiembre de 2009.
  • Proclamación de los ganadores: 25 de septiembre de 2009.


El concurso "Revela Colombia" contará con un reconocido jurado que escogera a los ganadores:

  • Sr. Luis Guillermo Plata, Ministro de Comercio, Industria y Turismo.
  • Sr. Oscar Rueda, Viceministro de Turismo.
  • Sr. Ricardo Cifuentes, Coordinador Grupo de Promoción, Viceministerio de Turismo.
  • Sra. Nubia Stella Martínez, Vicepresidenta de Turismo, Proexport Colombia.
  • Sr. Juan Ricardo Rodríguez, Director Académico de la Especialización en Fotografía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
  • Sr. Amalio Rigoberto García, Subdirector del Centro de Desarrollo de la Imagen "Zona Cinco".
  • Sr. Javier Sandoval, Fotógrafo y Diseñador Gráfico, Universidad Nacional de Colombia y Universidad de Barcelona, España.


Las 99 mejores fotografías serán expuestas dentro del marco del evento “Turismo Compite”.

El evento de la premiación se hará dentro de la clausura de “Turismo Compite” en donde se hará entrega del premio a los tres ganadores.

La foto ganadora del primer puesto será publicada el día 27 de septiembre, Día Mundial del Turismo, en la primera página de un diario de amplia circulación nacional.

  • 1er. puesto: $10"000.000 de pesos.
  • 2o. puesto: $6"000.000 de pesos.
  • 3er. puesto: $3"000.000 de pesos.

Ministry of Commerce Industry and Tourism
National Photography Competition "Reveals Colombia"

On 27 September each year, is commemorated around the planet on World Tourism Day, whose main objective is to promote awareness among the international community about the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic.

Colombia as a member state of the World Tourism Organization, through the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism has decided to invite all Colombians and foreigners who have had an experience of tourism in Colombia, to participate in National Photography Competition Tourist " Reveals Colombia ", in order to show and share the diversity of tourist attractions to visit and cultural profiles with counts Colombia. View flash

Objectives of competition

* To publicize the diversity of tourist attractions visited along the entire national territory.
* To promote tourism within the country and increase competitiveness in the sector.
* Promote the development of sustainable and responsible tourism throughout the country.

Who can participate?

Open to all Colombians and foreigners, residents or not in the country, over 18 years.

How many photos can I send?

Each entrant may submit up to three (3) photos for each item:

1. Urban landscape, monuments, archeology and architecture.
2. People, customs, cuisine, crafts, fairs and folk festivals.
3. Natural landscapes, flora and fauna.

Place and date of delivery of photos?

The material should be delivered until September 16, 2009 in a sealed envelope Servientrega anywhere from where it sent it has no cost.

For participants not residing in Colombia that can not send your photographs into physical, was enabled an email and a hotline + 57 (1) 427 9000 where they were explaining the mechanics of sending the images digitally.

Contest Rules pdf

Item 1. Only participate unpublished photographs that have been taken in Colombia between 2006 and 2009, to present tourism scenarios visited the country, its products, natural, cultural, religious or social (the term tourist attraction visited a geographical space, or appeal stage natural tourist, cultural or architectural, as well as festivals, fairs or festivals that are located or conducted within the country where they are the attractions and tourist services that facilitate the stay of tourists, also have their own infrastructure to facilitate access to that attractive).

Item 2. Each entrant may submit up to three (3) photographs, one for each topic:

1. Urban landscape, monuments, archeology and architecture.
2. People, customs, cuisine, crafts, fairs and folk festivals.
3. Natural landscapes, flora and fauna.

Participants should be aware that photographed attractions must be visited (refer to point 1 above).

Item 3. The participant must completely fill the paper with the Terms and Conditions which can be downloaded at the bottom of this page, which indicate the location where the photographs were taken and / or photographed attraction, and the year of implementation of the photograph.

Item 4. Participants should send residing in Colombia, through authorized points Servientrega or by other means in the direction Carrera 13A No. 87-33 Bogota, a sealed envelope must contain one (1) CD marked with the pseudonym chosen by the participant, with the images as digital files, numbered and organized as follows:

* A folder called LOW with pictures in low resolution,
* A HIGH folder named with the pictures in high resolution,
* And the paper form, duly completed terms and conditions.

People living outside Colombia are interested in participating in the contest should send their data to email with full name, nationality, identity, place of residence (country, city and exact address of contact) number telephone and email contact information. By return mail will receive instructions to send your photos via a digital channel provided for this purpose.

Item 5. Participants must submit the same pictures in low and high resolution within the following specifications:

* Low Resolution: Photographs must be in the LOW folder. These images must have a size of 1,024 pixels on its longest side and must be at 150 dpi.
* High resolution: Photographs must be in the folder HIGH. These images must have a minimum size of 2,000 pixels on its longest side and must be 300 dpi.

Item 6. Files in low and high resolution must be appointed in the same way under the following parameters:

* 1_Seudonimo.jpg - Applies to item 1. Urban landscape, monuments, archeology and architecture.
* 2_Seudonimo.jpg - Applies to item 2. People, customs, cuisine, crafts, fairs and folk festivals.
* 3_Seudonimo.jpg - Applies to item 3. Natural landscapes, flora and fauna.

Example: If a participant contest only under item 3. Natural landscapes, flora and fauna, must name your photo as follows: 3_elturista.jpg where the number 3 corresponds to category 3. Natural landscapes, flora and fauna and "elturista" his pseudonym.

Item 7. The material received, a committee composed of photographers, journalists, publishers and officials of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism will select 99 finalists photographs (33 in each category). These photos will be published in the Official Tourism Portal from September 29.

Of the 99 finalists will be selected photographs the best 3 photos (1 per category), selected by the official jury of the contest, which will be classified as follows: first, second and third. These photos will be paid by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism as follows:

* 1st. place: $ 10,000,000 pesos.
* 2nd. place: $ 6,000,000 pesos.
* 3rd. place: $ 3,000,000 pesos.

The best picture and name of the author thereof shall be published in a newspaper of national circulation high on Sunday 27 September 2009, World Tourism Day.

Terms and conditions

Item 1. In competition, officials may not participate or related persons under contract to provide services to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism as well as employees, managers of the company contracted to organize the contest tied with previous relatives within the first and second degree of consanguinity, second degree of affinity or only the first civil. If verified that one of the winners were working under these links will present the award corresponding to the participant who occupies the next place.

Item 2. Participants represent and warrant that all photographs are of his authorship. Participants agree to hold harmless and ensure the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, and the company contracted to carry out the contest for any claims by third parties who claim to have some claim on the material presented.

Item 3. Participation is free. Only receive the material in the official points of reception of the contest mentioned in this document.

Item 4. During the time of completion of the contest, organizers or any of the jurors keep direct communication with participants. If participants need technical assistance may qualify and a hotline + 57 (1) 427 9000.

Item 5. The mention of the photos and award winners will be made in the city of Armenia in the framework of the close of "Tourism Compete. The prizes must be claimed by the winners with their original documents. Unable to personally claim the recognition, you can do under power of attorney to another person or under power authenticated before a notary, within 15 working days from the date of disclosure of the winners.

Item 6. If not done all the necessary arrangements for the awards in the period mentioned, the respective prize is being awarded to the participant who occupies the next place.

Item 7. If the winners of the first, second and third in the summons is outside the city award, the costs of transfer to that city or notary procedures that are generated, be borne by the beneficiary.

Item 8. Photographs sent and the names of the contestants will become part of an image database and may be used by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism for advocacy, dissemination and publicity, without territorial limit, for an indefinite period and any means without prior notice or no financial compensation.

If use of the photographs, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism or any third party, give the respective credits to the author of the photograph (moral rights). In fact only send the photos to enter the contest, participants agree to these terms and conditions.

Item 9. Participants declare that they are the owners of moral rights on the photographs, while the property will belong to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, under a license to use them, according to the laws as stated in 23 of 1982 and 44 of 1993 and violated the criminal code as appropriate.

Given that the economic rights of the photos sent belong to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, should be understood that the pay is section 7 of the competition rules is an incentive to moral rights or copyright.

Technical Specifications

Item 1. Each participant can compete with up to three (3) photographs.

Item 2. We will only accept digital images. Printed photographs, negatives or slides scanned will be admitted provided they meet the technical requirements specified in section 5 of the competition rules.

Item 3. The basic theme is a tourist site visited, therefore will not be received photographs taken in studio or compositions that do not show the image's original context. Accepted cuts, basic manipulations of color, contrast and sharpness. May take photographs in color or black and white. Not taken into account images with unconventional manipulations such as photomontages, digitally inserted text, watermarks, digital frames and borders, etc..

Item 4. All photos received will be evaluated under the following criteria:

* Photo quality.
* Good composition.
* Management of the light.
* Scenarios tour.
* Method of conveying the product or tourist attraction.
* The way convey feelings.


The photographs do not comply with the bases and specifications referenced in this document should not be disregarded.

Please carefully read the contest rules, terms and conditions before submitting your photo.

If you do not agree with all these bases, terms and conditions of use, please refrain from participating in this event.

Selection of winners

To define the winners, will be formed a committee to pre-select the 99 best pictures of the competition.
The committee shall consist of professional photographers, tour guides, web publishers and tourism professionals.

Of these 99 photographs, the jury will select the three best pictures will get compensation as follows:

* 1st. place: $ 10'000 .000 pesos.
* The winning photo will be published on 27 September 2009, World Tourism Day, on the first page of a newspaper of national circulation.
* 2nd. place: $ 6'000 .000 pesos.
* 3rd. place: $ 3'000 .000 pesos.

In addition to the three first prizes, the 99 best photographs will be exhibited as part of the event "Tourism Compete.

The awards event will also take place within the close of "Tourism Compete" where will present the prize to three winners.


* Opening of the contest: 3 August 2009.
* Deadline for receipt of entries: 16 September 2009.
* Screening: 17-20 September 2009.
* Selection: 21-23 September 2009.
* Proclamation of the winners: 25 September 2009.


The competition "Reveals Colombia" will feature a renowned jury will choose the winners:

Mr. Luis Guillermo Plata, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.
Mr. Oscar Rueda, Deputy Minister of Tourism.
Mr. Ricardo Cifuentes, Advocacy Group Coordinator, Deputy Minister of Tourism.
Ms. Nubia Stella Martinez, Vice President of Tourism, Proexport Colombia.
Mr. Juan Ricardo Rodriguez, Academic Director of the Specialization in Photography, National University of Colombia.
Mr. Amalio Rigoberto Garcia, Deputy Development Center of Image Zone Five.
Mr. Javier Sandoval, Photographer and Graphic Designer, Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Universidad de Barcelona, Spain.


The 99 best photographs will be exhibited as part of the event "Tourism Compete.

The event of the awards will be made within the close of "Tourism Compete" where will present the prize to three winners.

The first-place winning photo will be published on 27 September, World Tourism Day, on the first page of a newspaper of national circulation.

1st. place: $ 10 "000,000 pesos.
2o. place: $ 6 "000,000 pesos.
3rd. place: $ 3 "000,000 pesos.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

FILM AND PARTY FOR THE OPENING OF CICLO ROSA 2009, Gay Film Festival in Bogota, Colombia

From the press release for the opening night of the film festival, which turned out to be rather controversial!

• On Thursday August 13 at 8:00 pm Theatron will be in the
Official Opening of Cycle Rosa 2009, an event that will begin with the
projection of the film Otto, or how to do it with the dead, and will end with a gay/LGBT themed party.
• The film, by the controversial German director Bruce LaBruce, who has received
major awards at festivals in Montreal, Toronto and Milan will
start a week of short films, feature films and documentaries on
LGBT issues, which will then travel from Bogota to Medellin, Cali,
Barranquilla, Pereira and Popayán.
On Thursday August 13 at 8:00 p.m. in Theatron, the renowned nightclub in the
gay Chapinero sector in Bogota, will open to welcome you to the ninth edition of
Cycle Rosa, and audiovisual displays about academic issues and LGBT rights.
The opening of this exhibition is in the lobby of the site, which is set as a sexshop --
fetish objects are displayed as a tribute to the themes of this year, including leather, masks and fantasies common to all human beings, without distinction among
gender or sexual orientation.
The inaugural film, Otto, or how to do it with the dead, is the latest film by Bruce LaBruce, who was already seen in
Colombia in the movie The Raspberry Reich. In the film opening this Ciclo Rosa 2009, a young
zombie named Otto appears on a remote highway. It has no idea where it comes from or where it is going. After hitchhiking to Berlin and to occupy an abandoned amusement park, in begins
to explore the city. Soon it discovers an underground film director, Medea Yarn, who
begins to make a documentary about him with the help of his girlfriend, Hella Bent, and her brother Adolf, who uses the camera. Meanwhile, Medea is trying to finish Up with Dead People, a
political-porno-zombie movie epic on which he has been working for years.
The Ciclo Roda is an initiative of alternative theaters Kayman, with support from the Mayor of
Bogotá through the Ministry of Culture, Recreation and Sport, Fundación Gilberto Alzate
Avendaño, the District Government Secretariat, the Instituto Pensar de la Pontificia Universidad
Javeriana, Ministry of Culture and the Embassy of Israel.

CASA ENSAMBLE, 13 to 19 of August
Value of Ticket: COL$ 6,000
Features: 1:00 - 3:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.
Avenida Carrera 24 (Park Way) No. 41 - 69
Tel 368 92 68 - 360 - 369 04 35
Value of Ticket: COL $ 3500
Functions: 12:30, 7:30 p.m.
Calle 22 No. 5-85, Auditorio Universidad Central
Tel 283 58 79
Value of Ticket: COL$ 3500
Functions: 12:30, 3:00, 5:15, 7:15
Calle 10 with Carrera 3
Tel 282 94 91
Value of Ticket: $ 4,000
Features: 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:15
Calle 24 No. 6-00

Pictures from Barranquilla Carnaval in Colombia

From Barranquilla Carnaval 2009

From Barranquilla Carnaval 2009

From Barranquilla Carnaval 2009

From Barranquilla Carnaval 2009

From Barranquilla Carnaval 2009

From Barranquilla Carnaval 2009

For a complete slideshow of Barranquilla Carnaval pictures, check out our galleries:

and Google/Picasa:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cumbia from Carnaval, Barranquilla, Colombia

Hundreds of dancers parade for blocks while performing professional level cumbia and other dances, accompanied by live music, while in traditional costumes and with a big smile! It is an enchanting sight as part of the Carnaval festivities in Barranquilla, Colombia. Join us next year for a front row seat!

Check our our trip in 2010 that includes the Carnaval in Barranquilla Colombia!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Colombian Carnaval and Machu Picchu 13 day tip

AMERICAS TRAVEL and VAMOS COLOMBIA TOUR invite you to join us on an exciting journey to Peru and Colombia.
Peru - Colombia
13 Days Escorted Tour
February 12 - 24, 2010

The perfect combination to enjoy the best of Peru and Colombia, from ancient civilizations to cosmopolitan settings, from mystical encounters with the glorious past, high in the mountains, and in the enchanting Caribbean.

Barranquilla, Colombia, Colombia's "Golden Gate"; it's carnival features traditions dating back to the 19th century.

Cartagena, Colombia, has the largest (and best restored) walled colonial city surviving on the continent, combined with the gorgeous blue waters of the Caribbean.

Bogota, Colombia, has a thriving nightlife. Bogota also surprises visitors with its culture, including the famous Gold Museum, one of the largest pre-Colombian collections in the world.
Lima, Peru,
takes you to the heart of the latest trend in international cuisine, with many new gourmet restaurants featuring the latest in modern Peruvian food.

Cuzco, and the Sacred Valley, in Peru, will introduce you to the ancient and modern worlds of the Inca civilization, from the beautiful ruins to the popular markets.

Machu Picchu, Peru, is heralded as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World, a fascinating and spiritual destination that leaves a lasting impression on all who visit.

This 13 day trip includes 2 countries and 7 flights (domestic and international, all included in the 1 low price), with hotel, tours and some meals.

Only $3995 per person
Single Supplement
Price includes: International and domestic flights and transportation throughout the tour ~ Hotel accommodations, based on double occupancy ~ Daily breakfast and meals specified in the itinerary ~ Transportation in air-conditioned bus with driver and English-speaking guide ~ Visits mentioned in the itinerary with guides and entrance fees.

Price does not include: Optional Tours ~ Extra baggage charges ~ Gratuities and personal expenses ~
Trip Cancellation / Interruption Insurance ~ Airport Departure Taxes in South America


Fri 12 Feb ~ USA to Barranquilla, Colombia
Depart USA in morning, arrive same evening, transfer to hotel.

Sat 13 Feb ~ Barranquilla
Attend Carnival parade. (B)

Sun 14 Feb ~ Barranquilla – Cartagena
Morning bus departure to Cartagena, transfer to hotel. Guided sunset walking tour old city; evening at leisure (B)

Mon 15 Feb ~ Cartagena
Day at leisure in Cartagena; optional Rosario island day tour. (B)

Tue 16 Feb ~ Cartagena – Bogota
Flight to Bogota, transfer to High Park hotel (B)

Wed 17 Feb ~ Bogota
Guided day tour of Bogota: Cande
laria, Monserrate and Botero and Gold Museums. (B,L)

Thu 18 Feb ~ Bogota

Half day tour : Zipaquira, Salt Cathedral; dinner optional at famed Andres Carne de Res (B)

Fri 19 Feb ~ Bogota – Lima, Peru
Flight to Lima, Peru, transfer to hotel Casa Andina Miraflores Centro. Half Day Lima city tour (B)

Sat 20 Feb ~ Lima
ay at leisure (B)

Sun 21 Feb ~ Lima to Cuzco
Flight to Cuzco, transfer to hotel, afternoon city tour including nearby ruins (B)

Mon 22 Feb ~ Machu Picchu
Full day excursion (B,L)

Tue 23 Feb ~ Sacred Valley
Full day excursion (B,L)

Thu 24 Feb ~ Cuzco to Lima to USA

To register for Peru & Colombia 2010, please follow these steps:
1. Fill out and sign the Registration Form (available upon request).
2. Review and sign a copy of the Terms and Conditions.
3. Fax or mail these documents to AMERICAS TRAVEL with your deposit.

348 Hayes Street, San Francisco, CA 94102-4421, USA
Fon: 415-703-9955 ~ Fax: 415-703-9959
TravelGuard Essential - We recommend the purchase of the TravelGuard Essential policy, TravelGuard includes protection against Trip Cancellation or Interruption up to the total Trip Cost; $500 Trip Delay; $10,000 Medical Expenses; $100,000 Emergency Medical Transportation, $500 Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Baggage & Travel Documents; $100 Baggage Delay; Free Lost Baggage Tracking; Travelguard Assistance, LiveTravel 24-hour hotline for emergencies; Live Messaging to relay email or phone messages; Emergency Cash transfers; and pre-trip Travel Advisories. Purchase your policy at the time of deposit to lock-in pre-existing condition coverage.

Latin Americas Travel, Inc., dba AMERICAS Travel . . . .. .. . . . CST 2064111-20

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gay Film Festival in Bogota Aug 13-20, 2009

Bogota's gay film festival, called "Ciclo Rosa" features gay and LGBT films from around the world in various languages.

The films are from such countries as France, Mexico, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Portugal, Argentina, Israel, Switzerland, United States and Brazil.

It takes place August 13 to 19, 2009, at various locations around the city of Bogota, Colombia. After that, it moves to other cities in Colombia. This is the 9th year of the festival.

Detailed information can be found (in Spanish) on the website:

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Daily events at Medellin Flower Festival 2009

Below is a list of events at Medellin's annual flower festival, or Feria de las Flores.

The event take place July 29 to August 9.

The following events take place daily:
* Bonsai exposition - San Diego shopping center (all day)
* Classic cars exposition - Premium Plaza shopping center (all day)
* San Alejo folkloric market - Parque Simon Bolivar (all day)
* Display of flowers - Pueblito Paisa (all day)
* Flower and butterfly exposition - Plazoleta shopping center (all day)
* Decorarte | decorative art exhibition - Museum El Castillo(9AM - 6PM)
* Folkloric fair - Unicentro shopping center (all day)
* Towns of Antioquia present themselves (the highway below Pueblito Paisa)

Events on a day by day basis:

Friday July 31

* Flower growers explain the silletas or flower arrangements - Los Molinos shopping center (12AM - 6PM)
* Official inauguration of the flower festival - governmental district Alpujarra (6PM - 1AM)
* Flower festival super concert with Silvestre Dangond, Iván Villazón, Felipe Peláez, Son de Cali, Maelo Ruíz and Grupo Galé - Atanasio football stadium (6PM - late)
* Fireworks - governmental district Alpujarra (8PM)

Saturday August 1

* Children's parade of flower arrangements - Carrera 82, La Floresta (10AM)
* Zona Que Suena, local bands perform - outside Parque Explora (10AM - 7PM)
* Cabalgata (horses to participate are for rent) - Carrefour Las Vegas (1PM)
* Marching band festival - Southern Bus terminal (1PM - 9PM)
* 4th International Women's Soccer Tournament (4PM - 9PM)
* Concert Colonbeat - Parque Norte (8PM - late)
* Concert Rachael Starr & Nadia Ali - Forum even center (9PM)

Sunday August 2

* Flower tour on San Pedro cemetary (8AM - 7PM)
* Cross country motor race - Pueblito Paisa ( 9AM - )
* Children's Cabalgata - Parque Pies Descalzos (2PM)
* Marching band festival - Southern Bus terminal (1PM - 9PM)
* Popular Music Festival (Los Visconti de Argentina, Arelys Henao, Los Relicarios, El Duelo Revelación, Otto Bermúdez & Jhon Castillo - Carlos Vieco Theater (2PM - 9PM)
* Music festival with Carajo, Cadena Perpetua, Tr3sdecorazón, Don Tetto, Johnie All Stars - Club Palmahia (3PM - 8PM)

Monday August 3

* Classical music and dance - Parque de los Pies Descalzos (6PM - 12PM)
* Salsa party - Carrera 70a / Calle 43 (7PM)

Tuesday August 4

* Jazz performances - Parque de los Pies Descalzos (6PM - 12PM)
* Salsa party - Carrera 70a / Calle 43 (7PM)

Wednesday August 5

* Fauna photography competition - Santa Fe zoo (9AM - 5PM)
* Folkloric jewelry exhibition - El Tesoro shopping center (11AM - 9:30PM)
* Colombian music - Parque de los Pies Descalzos (6PM - 12PM)
* Orchid, flower and parrot exhibition - Botanic Garden (7PM - )
* Tango performance - Medellin University Theater (8PM)

Thursday August 6

* Horse exhibition - Aurelia Mejía Colliseum (10AM - 12PM)
* Music festival with Claudia Diez, Tono 40, Luisito Muñoz, Los Corraleros del Majagual - Pueblito Paisa ( 4PM - 12PM)
* Fashion show - Junin shopping street 5PM - 6PM)
* Salsa concert - Parque Juan Pablo II (8PM)
* Tango concert - Hotel Nutibara (9PM)

Friday August 7

* Downhill motor race - Cerro de las Tres Cruces (9AM - )
* National car tuning festival - Parque Juan Pablo II (11AM - 11PM)
* 52nd flower arrangers parade (all day, all over)
* Bullshit and lies festival (serious!) - Monterrey shopping center (7PM - )
* Vallenato festival with Peter Manjarres, Silvestre Dangond, Pipe Peláez, Jorge Celedón & José Luis Rodríguez - La Macarena (7:30PM)
* Bailoteca (cumbia and porro) with Billo´s Caracas Boy & Los Melódicos - Parque Juan Pablo II (8PM)
* Viejoteca (cumbia and porro) - Club Palmahia (8PM - late)
* Exhibition of winning flower arrangements - Plaza Mayor (6PM - late)

Saturday August 8

* Exhibition of winning flower arrangements - Plaza Mayor (all day)
* National car tuning festival - Parque Juan Pablo II (11AM - 11PM)
* Local bands perform - Carlos Vieco Theater (12AM - 9PM)
* Classic cars parade (all day, all over)
* Cheerleading competition - National University (all day)
* Dance performance - Lido Theater (7PM)
* Vallenato party with Silvestre Dangond, Jorge Celedón, Los Gigantes del Vallenato & Pipe Peláez - Parque Juan Pablo II (8PM)
* Flower festival party with Silvestre Dangond, Iván Villazón & Felipe Peláez - Pabellón Amarillo exhibition center (8PM)

Sunday August 9

* Marching band competition - Parque de la Floresta (9AM - 8PM)
* Chivas y flores (decorated traditional buses) - (all day, all over)
* National car tuning festival - Parque Juan Pablo II (11AM - 11PM)
* Gospel festival - Parque de los Deseos (1PM - 10PM)
* Cultural displays of Antioquia culture - Los Molinos shopping center (2PM - )
* Orchest festival - border Medellin / Enigado (3PM - 9PM)